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Showing posts from October, 2023

What is the of USAID: Its Mission, Impact, and Challenges" And its potential Shutdown

  Understanding USAID and Its Role in Global Development The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is a critical entity in global development, aimed at advancing economic development, democracy, and human rights around the world. Over the years, USAID has been involved in providing financial aid, expertise, and resources to developing countries to improve health, education, governance, and other critical sectors. 1. What Does USAID Do? USAID is responsible for providing foreign aid to promote sustainable development, improve living standards, and assist in humanitarian crises. It focuses on a wide range of issues such as poverty alleviation, disaster relief, health initiatives (including combating HIV/AIDS), and education . Additionally, USAID supports programs aimed at building good governance and promoting economic growth in countries around the world. 2. USAID Budget and how it's allocated around the world  USAID’s budget is allocated to various progr...

A short history of Bharat (why it should be renamed from India to Bharat)... HOW KNOWLEDGE WAS DESTROYED...

  Bharat M any years ago and land called Bharat exist in which people called Aryan was living this land was full of knowledge ethics and Science.... a land of brilliant people and richest land on the planet but money was not given such a important but the most valuable thing was the knowledge, ethics and the character of the persons living here... there was almost no crime...everyone was living peacefully happily and following the Vedas with are the most valuable an d oldest book ever found on the planet which is full of ancient science...exist in Bharat the people of Bharat was so brilliant that they can easily surpass this modern type of Mathematics Science and Architecture Engineering and many other field but the only mistake the people living here make was thought the world was there friend and also the people here was so brave and great personalities that didn't cheat and fight with un ethics  in battlefield with anyone... for outsiders especially Islamic ruler...